Saturday, May 31, 2008

God's Own Country

God’s Own Country

Reciting HIS Name, Life is profound
Singing HIS praises,One feels astound

What matters if you lose for a while
HE is always there, With ever bigger smile

Such is a place, Where boundaries merge
No body claims, That place has no verge

No sorrows, no pains, No fires of purgatory
Such blissful is the place, Called God’s Own Country

There is story I don’t remember clearly but here it goes…”

There was a guy who lived in a small village. He had not much in monetary terms but was pretty much satisfied with his life. The only thing that was driving him crazy was his desire. He had an ardent yearning for blessed vision of GOD. Where ever he went he asked only one question “When I will have the vision of GOD”
Once somebody told him that there is a saint who lives far from his place and he is in love of GOD for so many years and can surely answer his question. Hearing about the saint, he was in exuberance and wanted to meet the saint.
Next morning he got his stuff together and went on to meet saint. For days and night he travelled with little rest and food. Finally he reached the place where saint used to live, it was the early hours of morning and the saint was in Sadhna. There was group of his disciples who were also sitting with saint.
After few hours saint opened his eyes and calmly pointed to a disciple and told him that he will be blessed with the vision of GOD in twenty years. The disciple was bit annoyed and was unable to hide his resentment, he asked Saint “I have served you since childhood and I have served God even before I was born, but why this injustice…I have longed so much… is this the way a master should treat his loved ones … I am old and I may die in a year or more…what good did I got in this life time”

Then Saint replied … “It’s not about our efforts…, about years of service… or lives we have devoted… it’s not about achieving… it’s about HIS Mercy…, HIS Will…, HIS Grace … whenever it’s destined HE will come…or Can I say HE comes everyday with every Sunrise, with every joy, with every sorrow, with every hope and with every thought.
Our goal is just to make sure that our doors are open and our house is clean with no place for Lust, Anger, Greed and Ego. We are already blessed if we remember HIS Name, he has already blessed us with HIS vision … every night and we align with HIS Goals

Do enjoy each moment that you spend in HIS service, in HIS Name and that’s HIS perfect vision. Its pride to serve HIM, one who serves all”
Hearing all this the poor guy who came from far was about to leave when the saint called for him and asked "Do you want to know anything or have any question".

He replied “Oh … pious saint … listening to what you have just said… I feel blessed that I m still part of God’s big things… I was never thankful and never learnt that HE is always with me… I will endure this sweet little pain of my Lord always….”

Friday, May 23, 2008

God's Own Country - Imperfections with Perfections

God's Own Country - A place which belongs to nobody and which belongs to everybody, people here are imperfect in one sense but perfect in other sphere, as they are perfectly chisel by God in his own way.

Everyday we are reminded that we are here for a cause, and some may have found and listened to their inner voice and hold the courage to follow and some are on path of knowing... It may take a moment or a life or lives to know... which is unknown or known … "The more thinly the sieve is, scanty the outcome is"

I remember once I read some where that all words that begin with prefix "Im" actually reflects two sides of coin
E.g Imperfect actualy says - I M Perfect
Impossible - I M Possible

Will continue soon…. I hope it will be a wonderful journey

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Guru Key Goleh - (Group Of Learners to Ensure Harmony)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki fateh

It took a while to post something on web, long I thought what I should post and what not.. what it will reflect or will it have our reflections or do I really need to write something, but after all this "To be or not To be" situation.

I thought, I should at least say or remind myself what I wanted to achieve with Guru Key Goleh - a concept that took birth four years back. I wanted to start this Blog early, so that it can be a placeholder for Guru Key Goleh (Group of Learners to Ensure Harmony) but it kept on lingering, coz of my daily chores, work commitments and of course my long lethargic stride. May be the time was not perfect or we can say it was not destined or may be this is my excuse. Any ways... here we go

GKG - Guru Key Goleh (Group of Learners to Ensure Harmony) means Servants of Guru Ji (Eternal Master) who feel blessed when they serve humanity. Guru key Goleh is a concept that has ever lived and helped every one of us. It exists if one believes and it fades away if one doesn’t. Guru Key Goleh is all about believing that someone takes great care of us and we are sent to this world with a specific task, with a precise role and clear purpose. Every breath confirms that your soul is here to perform a duty in HIS big scheme of things. With HIS Grace and with our destiny we can make difference to this world.

More i will post about GKG (Guru Key Goleh)....